Many Thanks to these Generous Funding Organisations

Invercargill City Council
P O Box 90104, Invercargill
101 Esk Street, Invercargill
Phone: 03 211 1777
Creating an exciting, innovative, safe, caring and friendly City offering lifestyles based on a healthy environment and diverse growing economy
Visit the ICC website

Community Trust Of Southland
62 Don Street, Invercargill
P O Box 1646, Invercargill 9840
Phone: 0800 500 185
From Stewart Island to Glenorchy, Te Anau to Tapanui our vision is for ‘A Thriving Southland’ where communities are self-determining, active, healthy, connected and working together, both now and into the future.
Visit CTOS website

New Zealand Community Trust
PO Box 10857, The Terrace, Wellington 6143
Freephone: 0800 44 69 28
We provide funds for sports and charitable purposes such as rescue and life-saving services, education, health, the arts, cultural and community groups.
Visit NZCT website

Lion Foundation
Phone: 0800 802 908
Smales Farm, 25 Northcote Road, Takapuna
Private Bag 106605, Auckland 1143
One of New Zealand’s oldest and most respected Charitable Trusts supporting thousands of good
causes. We’re here for good.
Visit Lion Foundation website

ILT Foundation
Phone: 03 211 3640 Fax: 03 214 4418
252 Dee Street, Invercargill
P O Box 1771, Invercargill 9840
Providing quality, supervised gaming operations in Invercargill.
Visit ILT Foundation website