Many Thanks To Our Generous Sponsors

Stewart Island Experience
Foreshore Road, Bluff
PO Box 89, Stewart Island
Phone: 03 212 7660
Free Phone: 0800 000 511 (within NZ)
Choose from a range of guided tours and cruises on and around Stewart Island.
Visit Stewart Island Experience website

Real Journeys
P.O. Box 1, Lakefront Drive, Te Anau
Phone: 03 249 6000
Free Phone: 0800 65 65 01 (within NZ)
Our tours will take you to spectacular wilderness areas in southern New Zealand – Fiordland, Queenstown and Stewart Island.
Visit Real Journeys website

J Crooks & Sons Ltd
134 Otepuni Ave,
Invercargill 9812
Phone: 03 216 9255
Sand and gravel suppliers, rock quarrying. A family business since 1938.

Ngai Tahu Seafood
6 Bolt Place, Christchurch
PO Box 3787, Christchurch 8140
Phone: 03 358 0681
For us and our children after us
Visit Ngai Tahu Seafood website

Southland More FM 89.2
2 Kelvin Street, Invercargill 9810
P.O. Box 1740, Invercargill 9840
Phone: 03 948 3900 Fax: 03 218 8015
Live it. Love it. Sing it.
Visit More FM Southland website

Bluff Oyster Management Company
c/o Murray Rankin
P.O. Box 844, Invercargill
Phone: 03 218 6179 Fax: 03 218 2238
Representing the interests of participants in the Foveaux Strait Dredge Oyster Fishery (OYU5).

111 Carlton Gore Road
Newmarket, Auckland
Phone: 0800 10 72 72
Lion champions some of the most adored
brands in beer, fine wine and spirits across Australia and New Zealand.
Visit Lion website

Air New Zealand
Air New Zealand House
185 Fanshawe Street
Phone; 0800 737 000
Visit the Air New Zealand website

Urwin & Company Ltd
169 Foreshore Road, Bluff 9814
Phone: 03 212 8033 Fax: 03 212 7044
Urwin & Co is a privately owned wholesale seafood company based in Bluff. We own and operate 5 vessels and contract with independent fishermen.
Visit Urwin & Co website

Sanford South Island Ltd
Foreshore Road, Bluff
P.O. Box 120, Bluff 9842
Phone: 03 212 8047
The Home of Sustainable Seafood
Visit Sanford website

South Port
Island Harbour, Bluff
P.O. Box 1, Bluff 9814
Phone: 03 212 8159 Fax 03 212 8685
Southern most commercial deep water port in New Zealand. We take pride in our ability to manage a
diverse range of cargoes.
Visit South Port’s website

Southern Automobiles
209-221 Dee Street, Invercargill
PO Box 1664
Phone: 03 211 2233 Fax: 03 211 2227
Visit Southern Automobiles website

Tansley Electrical
120 Clyde Street,
Phone: (03) 214 7738
Fax: (03) 214 7741

Barnes Wild Bluff Oysters
Cnr Spey and Bond Streets, Invercargill
PO Box 564, Invercargill
Phone 03 218 2575
Wholesale and retail oyster suppliers
Visit Barnes website

McDermott Coachlines
2 Spey Street
Phone: (03) 218 2419
Visit McDermotts website

Fowler’s Oysters
Ocean Beach Road
Bluff 9814
Eat ’em live in Bluff
Fowler’s Oysters are on Facebook

Nicholson Engineering
3 Palmer Street
Bluff 9814
Phone: 03 212 8031
Engineering workshop in the heart of Bluff

Kiwibank Limited
51 Don Street, Invercargill
PO Box 900, Invercargill 9810
Phone: 03 214 7700
Kiwis making Kiwis better off
Visit the Kiwibank website

Kayes Bakery
19 Onslow Street, Invercargill 9812
Phone: 03 216 6065 Fax: 03 216 6045
Home baking at its best since 1978
Visit Kaye’s Bakery website

House Of Travel Lakers Invercargill
36-40 Kelvin St
Phone: 03 214 3500 Fax: 03 214 3509
How Kiwis See The World!
Visit House of Travel website

Crowe Horwath
62 Deveron Street, Invercargill
Private Bag 90106, Invercargill 9810
Phone: 03 211 3355 Fax: 03 218 2581
Better advice for a better life
Visit Crowe Horwath website

McKenzie Marine and Mackraft Ltd
Cnr Palmer and Barrow Street, Bluff
P.O. Box 72, Bluff 9842
Phone: 03 212 8778 Fax: 03 212 8777
Over 20 years experience engineering and manufacturing aluminium jetboats.
Visit Mackraft website

Freight Haulage Ltd
5 Lake Street, Clifton, Invercargill
P.O. Box 85, Invercargill 9840
Phone: 03 216 4320
Full container services, MAF approved transport,
industrial bulk storage and general cartage.

King O’ The Road
PO Box 46, Bluff 9842
Phone: 03 212 7674 Fax: 03 212 7675

Bluff 4 Square Supermarket
54 Gore Street, Bluff 9814
Phone: 03 212 8179 Fax: 03 212 8379
Instore bakery and butchery
Visit 4 square website

Bluff Timber and Building Supplies
Barrow Street, Bluff
P.O. Box 125, Bluff 9842
Phone: 03 212 7339 Fax: 03-212 7329
Mobile: 027 438 0911